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The SEO fundamentals you need to understand to succeed in 2024 –
Understanding Search Intent: The Key to SEO Success
So listen. There’s an SEO fundamental that’s probably the most important thing, yet 99% of SEOs get it wrong – and some even ignore it. I’m talking about search intent. So it’s like this: we have a plant that’s rooted in fertile soil. Let’s call this your content – it’s foundational.

And then we have sunlight. It provides energy for the plant’s health, just like backlinks do for your site’s organic rankings. Now, despite having fertile soil and an abundance of sunlight, something crucial is missing. Water… Without it, our plant wilts – its leaves lose their luster. And growth.

.. not happening! Water is like search intent in the world of SEO. When your content doesn’t align with the searcher’s intent, your SEO efforts, much like our plant, aren’t going to make it.

And that’s because Google’s job is to give the best results for any given query.

Now, I’

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